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AWG-LR Celebrates its 30th Anniversary

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AWG LR presidents May2016

AWG-LR Past Presidents, May 2016

The American Women’s Group of Languedoc Roussillon celebrated its 30th Anniversary on May 20th with a cocktail party attended by 60+ guests.  The first warm Spring evening of the year made the socializing and mingling even more enjoyable in the courtyard of a local wine estate.  Complete with good food and wine, lovely music played...

AWC Oslo Gives at their Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon

What was that delicious aroma wafting from the American Lutheran Church’s kitchen, you ask?  It was the AWC Oslo’s annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, and it was a delicious feast, indeed! There were festive, pumpkin- clad tables for the 60 members and guests to enjoy the wonderful meal.  Although this meeting was about conversation and good food, it was also about supporting...

AWC Brussels Members Interviewed by BBC

AWC Brussels members Colleen Gilbert (FAWCO Rep), Stacy Seefeldt Shedivy (President) and Karin Wagner Smith, past board member (in order of interviews), were interviewed by the BBC concerning the lockdown in Brussels last week. View the video through this link

Garden Party at the Villa Taverna


Vera P. Weill-Halle

AWAR President, 2013-2014


From the left: Honorary President Linda Douglass, President Vera P. Weill Hallé, Honorary Vice President Kathleen Doherty and 1st Vice President Erica Zmitrovitch

As President of AWAR, I had the privilege on 26 September to open our club’s season with a Garden Party held...

AWA Vienna - "Tenacious Pursuers of Peace and Justice"

October General Meeting: “Tenacious Pursuers of Peace and Justice”

On October 21, 2015, AWA Vienna's monthly general meeting was a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The meeting featured a talk on pacifist and Nobel prize winner Bertha von Suttner. AWA co-sponsored the event  with the US Mission to the United Nations in Vienna...

Bra Collection for Free the Girls


Now here is a new idea: philanthropic bras!  This is a fun and easy project in which we can all participate.  Free the Girls ( is a small, non-profit organization in the US which supports women and girls in Mozambique rescued from sex trafficking.  (Four other countries are being added to the network in 2013.)  The organization was featured in...

AW Surrey - A Bit of Fun

Before posting 140 bras to Free the Girls, Melissa Mash from AW Surrey had a bit of fun as seen in the photo:

AWS bras

Region 2 Meeting in Gothenburg


When the American Women's Club of Gothenburg discussed the planning of the Region 2 Regional Meeting, three recurring thoughts came up consistently: show them who we are as a club, keep it relaxed, and feed the guests good food! Looking back on the Region 2 Regional Meeting held on September 20-22 in Gothenburg, Sweden, I think we...

FAWCO Region 4 Clubs Provide a Flood of Support for Bosnia

The Region 4 clubs are closely bound by geography and have developed a unique collaborative regional approach to sharing events, news, and philanthropic projects. In May, Bosnia and Hercegovina were struck by disastrous flooding. Bosnian ANCOR club member Lejla Sipkar-Ceric sent out a plea to the Rotterdam membership: “The past few days my home country Bosnia and Hercegovina has been...

Serendipity and the "Around the Corner, a World Away" DG

Coincidence, fate, serendipity, destiny, all similar words, describing that sometimes things are just meant to be. Such is the case with my involvement in the American Women’s Club of Dublin, FAWCO and the ISPCC.

When my husband and I moved to Dublin over five years ago it wasn’t for any other reason except for a dream come true. As a...

Paula Lucas Meets AWC Lebanon Board

On April 7, 2014 a few AWC Lebanon members had the unique opportunity to meet Paula Lucas, founder of the American Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVC). In the very congenial atmosphere of a board member’s home, we learned about the terrifying experiences Paula and her children went through with her abusive husband. Her courageous escape with her three boys,


FAWCO Region 5 Rocks!

Region_5_Conf_Cologne_Logo_Blue_SerifThe Region 5 Conference, hosted by the AIWC-Cologne was attended by all clubs in the Region (Germany, Austria) with guests Zurich and Paris.  Friday night was festive with a program Celebrating Home: A Musical, Political and Literary Tribute to the Place We Love featuring two of Cologne’s members and the Vice Mayor of Cologne, Angela Spizig. Saturday was busy with...

AW Berkshire & Surrey Bra Collection

Bras, bras, bras!  AWBS (International Women of Berkshire and Surrey) joined the ever-burgeoning groups of women across FAWCO and the world that are helping women make lives for themselves after breaking free from the horrors of the sex trade. 

It was easy for our club to collect 85 bras in just a few months as every woman has a few ill-fitting...

Region 1 (England, Scotland, Ireland) Meeting in Chilterns


REGION  1 MEETING (England, Scotland and Ireland) was hosted by Chilterns, England, on Saturday, October 12, 2013.  It was a major information and networking day for the Region.   Chilterns FAWCO Rep Maureen Rice welcomed and introduced Regional Coordinator Eileen Doyle, who outlined the purpose of the day. There were FAWCO speakers bringing the group up to date on FAWCO and...

2nd Generation FAWCO Fever

FAWCO Fever is a family affair for FAWCO Treasurer Cora Lee Findley (AW of the Eastern Provice) and her daughter Kristen Findley. Inspired by her experience at this year's FAWCO conference in Brussels, Kristen posted the following article on her blog. 

 My 110 Hour Trip to Brussels, Belgium and Back
by carlstones

by Kristen Findley
Post on Rogue AC, Wordpress

I told myself a...

FAWCO Region 8 (Itay, Greece) Meeting - Genoa, Italy

region_8_2013_047_1FAWCO’s Region 8 (Italy & Greece) regional meeting , hosted by AIWC of Genoa took place in Genoa – Arenzano this past Columbus Day holiday weekend of October 11-12-13-, 2013. Genoa is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.

Approximately 30 participants congregated from the region (AIWCT Torino, Benvenuto Club Milan, AIWC of Genoa, AILO Florence, AWAR  Rome, AIWC Naples, AWOG Greece)

AWO Greece Christmas Bazaar Raises 15,000€

The American Women’s Organization of Greece held its Annual Christmas Bazaar on November 24, 2013  for the charities that we support each year through our community services program.  More than 175 volunteers from our membership, family members, friends and students from local schools turned out to work at the oldest and loveliest craft bazaar in Greece.  Despite torrential rain, our...

FAWCO Region 4 (BeNeLux) Meeting - ANCORed in Rotterdam

FAWCO's Region 4 (BeNeLux) regional meeting, hosted by ANC Rotterdam took place in Rotterdam from October 4-6, 2013.  Approximately 30 participants joined us from the region (AWC Amsterdam,  AWC Antwerp, AWC Brussels, AWC The Hague, AWC Luxembourg, ANC Rotterdam).  The theme of the meeting was Collaboration: Every Accomplishment Starts with the Decision to Try. The goal was to connect members...

Thanksgiving with ANCOR: Pleasure and Charity

Rotterdam Alderwoman Korrie Louwes (and her family) was a special guest at our ANCOR Thanksgiving dinner. Korrie is responsible for Employment, Education, Innovation and Integration in Rotterdam. We gave her a briefing on the club and also the FAWCO Foundation. After listening to Johanna Dishongh's motivating and informative speech on Target and FAWCO – she posted this on her website...


Region 3 (France) FAWCO Meeting - C'est Formidable!

Region3_with-Patti-Oneill-webFAWCO's Region 3 (France) regional meeting, hosted by AAWE Paris took place in Paris this past weekend of September 20-22, 2013.  Over 50 participants came from the region (AAWE Paris, AWG Paris, AWG Languedoc-Roussillon) as well as guests from Bordeaux Women's Club and FAWCO clubs from Brussels, Berlin, The Hague and Zurich.  FAWCO presentations, break out group discussions on club 


News from Our Clubs showcases the varied activities of FAWCO's member clubs worldwide.
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