FAWCO Target Program 2016 - 2019: 

Education – Empowering Women and Girls through Knowledge and Skills

In our Blog: Let's Get Schooled​ we will explore why education matters; we will examine the barriers, one by one, which impede women and girls from accessing quality education and completing their studies; we will become familiar with the strategies to address these issues; and we will discover who the leaders in world education are.

Don't forget you can get this blog posts via email in the Target Program: Education Bulletin sent out once a month. Sign up now and don't miss any information!

News From Hope Beyond Displacement - Update VIII

Hope Beyond Displacement LogoUpdate VIII - November 2019

Amanda Lane, Executive Director
Collateral Repair Project



I can’t believe that two years have already passed by and we have wrapped up the Hope Beyond Displacement project! As I have watched us develop innovative programs, reach new community members and carefully train personnel, I am so inspired and motivated by the outcomes we have achieved.

We’ve Crossed the Finish Line!

Today, we wrapped up the Target Program for Education at the Biennial Conference in Edinburgh. We want to share the highlights of the presentation with all FAWCO Members who were not able to attend the meeting.

Tricia R. Saur, Target Chair and Barbara Bühling, VP of Fundraising addressed the delegates during the second session of the Annual General Meeting. They...

News From Hope Beyond Displacement - Update VII

Update VII - March 2019

Hope Beyond Displacement Logo

Amanda Lane, Executive Director
Collateral Repair Project


2019 • So Much is Happening ...

Boys at the Downtown center 1The winter period can feel quiet in many workplaces - but not so for us here at CRP. We had a restful holiday break, but CRP’s staff and volunteers have come back for the new year and are busier than ever with emergency...

Interventions for Girls Education - Part 7: Sustaining Girls’ Education during Emergencies

“We had to leave behind all of our possessions. The only thing we could bring with us is what we had in our heads, what we had been taught—our education. Education is the only thing that cannot be taken from us.” - A woman who fled from Darfur to Chad, 2004

what works girls education

This month we conclude our series addressing interventions that work...

2019 GEM Report Primer • Migration, displacement and education: Building Bridges, Not Walls

2019 GEM Report CoverLast fall, UNESCO published the 2019 GEM-Report • Migration, displacement and education: Building Bridges Not Walls. I’ve been waiting for this report ever since it was announced in early 2017 and we were launching Hope Beyond Displacement as the FAWCO Target Project. I thought “Oh, if only I had this now!” But the wait is over... In December, Laurie Richardson...

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