Member to Member

Support our Member Authors!

FAWCO has nearly 50 published authors amongst its clubs. They write in all genres and for all ages. Scroll through our Books by Members web page to find a brief summary for each book and the link on where to purchase it.

Add Your Book to the List

If you have a published book that you would like to share with others, simply fill out this form and we will upload it to our list. This is a free benefit for FAWCO members.

Authors’ Speakers Bureau

Every book club would love to have the opportunity to meet the authors of their selection, to hear first hand about their inspirations, their writing process and what they learned from their own work. This may be possible! Contact

FAWCO is honored to have unbelievably vibrant and diverse talent writers as members of our clubs. We have best-selling authors, literary award winners, aspiring writers learning their craft and those who write for the sheer joy of it.

This has inspired FAWCO’s “Literacy is our Legacy – A Celebration!" liol fawco

Literacy Is Our Legacy – A Celebration is a series of activities that will have something for everyone.
The celebration will:

  • Highlight and recognize the published authors amongst us.
  • Encourage and engage authors who write for the love of it.
  • Empower aspiring writers in workshops, panels or discussion groups.
  • Reinforce FAWCO’s commitment to literacy through our Global Issues Teams.
  • Encourage members to participate in FAWCO global reading events.
  • Introduce more club members to the fun of book clubs.
  • Promote networking events between clubs, within regions, between regions!

To learn more about what’s happening, visit this page every month for news and updates.
Or, you can receive a newsletter by contacting us at .

Writers' Workshops

At the FAWCO Interim Meeting where we announced "Literacy Is Our Legacy – A Celebration," our writing enthusiasts at all levels asked if we could coordinate writers’ workshops.

In response to that feedback, FAWCO is excited to announce that The International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG) will offer a 1-year complimentary membership to IWWG for FAWCO members!

IWWGFounded in 1976, IWWG’s mission is to foster the personal and professional empowerment of women through writing, and we look forward to you joining us in your writing pursuits. Please contact for the code. Please include your club name in the email. After you receive the code you may register here.

IWWG holds regular online workshops in all genres, taught by both familiar teachers and those bringing exciting new voices and perspectives. Experience the joy of being “heard” during in-class readings, nightly open mics, and exciting workshops. As a member, you can register for workshops at special rates.

Reading is “Lit”!

Nearly every FAWCO club has at least one book club. FAWCO encourages our book clubs to read one of the selections from our Books by Members List.

Open Diary clip art hightReaders, Writers, Authors – Let’s Connect!

Coming Up!

  • October is National Book Month in the US  Celebrate! Read a new book, share a favorite with others!
  • Exclusive IWWG workshop FREE for FAWCO Members! Ten Tips: A Workshop on Writing the Memorable Memoir presented by acclaimed IWWG Instructor Judith Huge – Saturday, October 19, 2024, 4:00–5:30 pm. Read more
  • Inspiring Women Magazine – Women and Entrepreneurship – out NOW!
  • The deadline to submit nominations for profiles for the November issue of Inspiring Women – The Family Connection is September 26. For more information contact 


Attention FAWCO Writers: If you have taken advantage of the complementary IWWG membership, you might be interested in these upcoming workshops-they’re free! If you want to join contact: for more information.

Write with us...upcoming workshops below and at this link!

All times are in Eastern Standard Time

Do You Want to Be Part of the Legacy?

Thank you for your interest! We hope that you will select a book from our Books by Members page for your next reading pleasure. If you have a published book please submit it for our list.

Are you a writer? Consider registering with IWWG and participating in one of their workshops.

This Month’s Featured Book will change. FAWCO has enough books on our Books by Members list to feature a different one for the next three years – and the list keeps growing! Please come back for a visit!

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