FAWCO Target Program Education

FAWCO Target Program 2016-2019
Education – Empowering Women and Girls through Knowledge and Skills



 Hope Beyond Displacement Logo

The FAWCO Target Project is a 2-year investment by the FAWCO Community to empower women and girls. On April 1, 2017, Hope Beyond Displacement was announced as the 2017-2019 Target Project for Education at the FAWCO Biennial Conference in Mumbai, India. 

The FAWCO Foundation's Backing Women Fundraising Campaign supported fundraising for the Target Project: Administering funds raised by individuals and clubs at local and regional events; Raising money through sales in their Backing Women Boutique, raffles and auctions; Conducting giving campaigns, like matching grants. With the original fundraising goal of $125,000  thrashed in the first year, a new goal of $173,000 was set. In true FAWCO fashion, that goal was exceeded too! In the end, over

$190,000 was raised for the FAWCO Target Project, Hope Beyond Displacement. 


Hope Beyond Displacement created better futures through education, vocational and leadership training for refugee women and girls in Amman, Jordan. Programming launched in the late summer of 2017 and continued through until the early fall of 2019. Please continue reading to learn more about this incredible project and all it has achieved.



 Filmed on location during the FAWCO site visit in April 2018. Film credit: Julia Goldsby


Located in Amman, Jordan, Collateral Repair Project is a grassroots effort to bring much-needed assistance to refugees and other victims of war and conflict – those commonly referred to as "collateral damage." They operate numerous programs focusing on community building, education and emergency aid.


Displacement, loss of status and control over life choices, and the fact that most refugees may not work, all contribute to a sense of hopelessness and lack of empowerment particularly for women. While displacement forces them to negotiate new and difficult roles, they are often hindered by their lack of confidence in their ability to effect change and commonly face increased risks due to harmful coping strategies they or their spouses may adopt which often contribute to family violence. Hope Beyond Displacement addressed four pressing issues identified in close consultation with the women CRP serves:

1. ensuring better educational support for their children
2. accessing sources of income through vocational training
3. better managing the threat of violence in their families and
4. learning and developing leadership and advocacy skills

TP page 4 pic series

The project addressed these issues through targeted training and educational programs and through tangible opportunities for advocacy and leadership. To ensure the sense of ownership and investment that will be integral for the longevity, sustainability, and success of the project, community members were involved at every stage. 


BW TFF Logo longYour Donations

Girls’ Education 

  • Sent 866 girls to school over two years
  • Funded the creation of the SuperGirls curriculum and its translation into Arabic
  • Funded eight SuperGirl groups serving 135 girls ages 6-12 
  • Renovated the CRP playground 
  • Launched the After School Club at the new Downtown Center, serving 205 children 

Women’s Vocational Training

  • Provided 106 women International Computer Driving License (ICDL) computer skills training
  • Taught 72 women HTML and CSS coding skills 
  • Trained 87 women in beauty and self-employment skills 
  • Supported the creation of a dedicated space for women to learn and train

Women’s Rights and Leadership 

  • Sponsored the participation of 191 women in the Women’s Empowerment 101 Program
  • Sponsored the participation of 148 men in gender-based violence training
  • Engaged youth in awareness-raising workshops on issues related to gender-based violence 
  • Funded a 5-day Training of Trainer workshop with 15 participants, ensuring the continuation and sustainability of these trainings
  • Funded two Leadership in Action Programs, resulting in the women leading five community projects dealing with issues including cyber safety, child labor, violence against women and a disabilities community for the elderly. 
  • Funded three Leadership in Action Programs for Teens, resulting in six community projects ranging from community beautification, services to orphans and literacy to enterprise opportunities for craftspeople. 

 So Much More

  • 1,943 direct beneficiaries
  • Employed and increased skills levels of 91 full- and part-time staff and volunteers.
  • Facilitated dialogue between members of diverse national (i.e., Ethopian, Iragi, Jordanian, Somali, Sudanese, Syrian, Yemeni) and religious groups. 
  • By end-of-project, Hope Beyond Displacement had an impact on over 10,000 indirect beneficiaries including family members and the greater community.
  • As a result of the additional funds raised, many more individuals will be reached, as we support key positions into 2020: Women's Coordinator, ICDL Coordinator, Beauty Coordinator and the GBV/Women's Empowerment 101 Coordinator. 

To learn more about the impact of the Target Project for Education – Hope Beyond Displacement, read the Final Report. 


Dig Deeper 

Here you will find information and material from the two-year period covering the Target Project for Education. Project Updates were reported in the monthly Target Bulletin and in a quarterly blog post from Executive Director Amanda Lane. Here are links to both: Target Bulletin Archives; Education Blog, Let’s Get Schooled

Scroll down to find the Annual Reports, Monthly Reports and video.

Looking for something? Contact Tricia R. Saur, Target Chair at

Past Events

Target Project Site Visit in April 2018 

World Refugee Day - June 20th - “We Came by Choice; What if it Were by Force?”
Our Target Project, Hope Beyond Displacement, sought to build better futures for refugee women and girls.
On June 20, 2018, we showed our solidarity and invited all FAWCO and FAUSA members to raise awareness! 

PR Material 

pgn of TP Flyer for HBD HBD Fundraising Flyer
Hope Beyond Displacement 1-Pager (A4)
Hope Beyond Displacement Fundraising Flyer (A5)


Annual Reports 

2017 HDB AnnualRpt Cover  2018 Annual Report HBD  2019 Final Report HBD 
Hope Beyond Displacement
2017 Annual Report
Hope Beyond Displacement
2018 Annual Report 
Hope Beyond Displacement
2019 Final Report 





10-Minute Video Introducing CRP and Hope Beyond Displacement

10-minute introduction video by Amanda Lane, Executive Director of CRP
explaining their work and the impact FAWCO support will have on those they serve.  [Spring 2017]


SuperGirls Video

Super Girls Video on Youtube  [January 9, 2018] 


CRP Thank you

Words of thanks from Amanda Lane, Executive Director of CRP  [March 2019] 


Monthly Reports 

2017.09 Update 2017.10 Update
2017.11 update 2017.12 update
2018.01 update 2018.02 update
2018.03 update 2018.04 update
2018.05 Update 2018.06 Update
2018.07 Update 2018.08 update
2018.09 update 2018.10 update
2018.11 update 2018.12 Update
2019.01 Update 2019.02 update
2019.03 update 2019.04 update
2019.05 update 2019.06 update
2019.07 update 2019.08 update
2019.09 update  



Summary of Project Selection

In May 2016, a call for applications was made for the 2017-2019 FAWCO Target Project. By the September 30th deadline, eighteen applications had been submitted. A seven-member Selection Committee comprised of a cross-section of FAWCO members reviewed each proposal. The committee announced a shortlist of three projects on January 6, 2017, and Member Clubs cast their votes in February 2017. Hope Beyond Displacement was announced as the new Target Project at the FAWCO Biennial Conference in Mumbai, India on April 1, 2017.  









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