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    from Frauke Rademacher-Heidemann, RC Region 5

    At our Region 5 Annual Meeting last November in Munich, Tracy Moede from the AWCH presented the additional local water project ITWDP (Integrated Tribal and Watershed Development Program) in India.

    In the meantime we have wonderful news and reports from this project.


    Email from the project ITWDP coordinator Ulrike Henn, AWCH, to...


    Submitted by: Anne McDonald, AWC Dublin President


    September 16,2010

    Lord Mayor Gerry Breen came to the American Women's Club of Dublin Club Meeting and wished them much success for their 2010-2011 Club Year. Included in special guests at this event were: Caryna with her homemade cakes and speciality brownies, and Triona Sweeney, local artist who offered a presentation on...

    AWC-Luxembourg Clean Water Charity
    AWC-Luxembourg is still pushing hard for more public awareness and funding for the FAWCO Bull's Eye Project with their September 24, 2010 "Clean Water for Life Charity Cocktail". This will be AWC-Luxembourg's third fundraiser for the Bull's Eye Project. They hope to continue increasing their members' awareness of the precious nature of water and of all...

    BWC_TreesArticle Submitted by BWN Rep, Arline Coward

    Arline Coward, BWN FAWCO Rep (right) and two FAWCO Committee members, Jessica Ziegler on left and Gwen Gilmore de Comas (center) taken at the FAWCO table at the BWN Holiday Bazaar. We sold trees for the BWN Tree Project in support of the FAWCO Millennium Forest and answered questions about FAWCO  (information card on...


    AWC Hosts FAWCO “Roundabout The Hague” Fun Weekeend!

    You are invited!The Fun FAWCO Weekend in The Hague is taking place on October 29 − 31 at our Clubhouse!  Our own AWC The Hague is hosting the FAWCO Region 4 Meeting and we hope to see you there. The sessions along with lunches, light snacks, a Friday night rijstafel dinner...

    October 29-31,2010

    Regional Meeting held for Region 4 hosted by AWC The Hague, in The Hague, Netherlands

    Report submitted by AWC The Hague FAWCO Rep: Sara Crabtree

    This year’s FAWCO Region 4 Meeting was hosted by AWC The Hague in their lovely old clubhouse in Scheveningen (the seaside suburb of The Hague). Twenty-five women attended the conference on October 29-31,


    Photos Submitted by FAWCO Rep, Debra Yonkers-Hecht, Chilterns AWC.

    Voting for the Water Project - allowing members to place a coin in the bottle of their Project Choice.

    Voting Overseas Election 2010- informing members to remember to register for their Absentee Ballot


    October Breast Cancer Awareness for Chilterns AWC members



    AWC Shanghai, China

    Submitted by: Kate Hayes, Regional Coordinator Region 11 and Club Co-President 2010-2011

    Celebrated in Style with their "Decorate your Own Cowboy Hat" AmCham Booth at the AmCham Booth at the Expo 2010.




    American Women's Club of Dublin Charity Halloween Party October 30,2010

    The Charity event was to raise money for the Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

    The event was a great success and enjoyed by all who participated in this Charity event.

    Submitted by President, Anne McDonald, AWC Dublin





    Region 8 Successfully fundraised for the L'Aquila earthquake victims and together all of the Region 8 FAWCO Clubs were able to purchase Playground equipment and help create a new park area for the children of L'Aquila.

    Elizabeth Abbott, AWA Rome FAWCO Rep was successful in recruiting her Region 8 FAWCO clubs to support this cause. L'Aquila is going to publicize...


    American  Women's Club of Central Scotland in partnership with HSBC is proud to present: The Seattle Children's Chorus Concert on Saturday July 10th 7.30 - 9.30pm. All proceeds from ticket sales and donations will benefit the AWC Charities Fund and Sense Scotland, their chosen charity for 2009-2010.  Click here to see event poster .



    Respectfully submitted by:
    Kim Mousseron, AWG-LR, FAWCO Rep 2010-2011

    On Saturday, June 5, American Women's Group of Languedoc Roussillon held an accessories auction and sale fundraiser.   What a successful and fun day!


    We had received many generous donations of hats, scarves, belts, bags, and jewelry.  Most of the items were on sale throughout the afternoon; others were auctioned off in...


    News from Our Clubs showcases the varied activities of FAWCO's member clubs worldwide.

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