
A Pick-Me-Up

by Danielle Kuznetsov, Heidelberg IWC

The world has changed. Again. And not surprisingly, it is not for the better. Deep sorrow is in my heart for what is happening in Ukraine and Russia – two countries my life has weaved in and out of for the last thirty years, with friends who are like family, a lifetime of memories and...


Phases of Women’s Health

by Christine Riney, AWC Hamburg, AWC London & FAWCO Health Co-Chair


5 ladies of health

The Phases of Women’s Health

We are all on a journey through the phases of womanhood with each phase bringing unique and sometimes familiar health concerns, issues, changes. We have much to share and learn, and a desire for growth as individuals and as part of a community of...


A Future Without Cancer

 by Christine Riney, AWC Hamburg, AWC London & FAWCO Health Co-Chair


The thought, the very idea, that we could have a future without the staggering number of deaths from cancer (in 2020 approx. 10,000,000) seems impossible – but is it? We live in a time of amazing advancements in the care of cancer patients and more importantly, in the...


Can we Have a Word?

by Danielle Kuznetsov, AWO Moscow

Happy Thanksgiving from the Health Team!

Thanksgiving is intentional, whether it be the holiday food that is prepared for family and friends or the state of mind we cultivate that produces tangible emotional “fruit” in our lives. Either way, we decide the kind of feast we want to eat and how we want to share...


A Journey to Better Health

by Suzanne Wheeler, FAWCO Foundation Counselor, FAUSA and Margaret Hilditch, IWC Munich

Being physically healthier is important; we know this. Getting fitter, losing weight, eating better are all things to strive for, but it can be hard. Genetics plays a hand in our health, however we can make choices that lead to healthier lives. It takes effort, dedication, willpower, determination...


Common Variable Immune Deficiency – Part 3

By Linda Harvan, FAUSA

immunityEvery day we are exposed to viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, but our immune system keeps us healthy by fighting most pathogens. A healthy immune system will not prevent all illnesses, but it will help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms when we are ill. People with healthy immune systems usually recover from a cold...

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