
The Teen Athlete's Guide to Shoulder Surgery

By Claire Castellon

After five shoulder dislocations in Germany and the USA, and a physical therapy regimen that did not solve the problem, I had shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum in January 2023. I was 17 years old; it was my first surgery ever. I had a bit of anxiety. Then I saw  a girl in my history...


World Mental Health Day - Veterans Yoga Project

by Adrianne Lind, AWC Gothenburg & AIC Malmo and host of the Yoga Saved Me podcast


health yoga 1I have been a client of the Veterans Yoga Project since September 8, 2021. As I write this, I have taken over 400 yoga and meditation classes through their online studio. It is, and remains a free, in-person, and online Mindful Resilience tools provider...

Art Therapy: Healing Through Creativity

by Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp


Have you ever thought about the value of art therapy?
As Pablo Picasso once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” This quote describes the power of art, particularly in the context of healing and personal growth.


What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a therapeutic practice...


What is Lyme Disease?


by Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp and Health Team Co-Chair


Health Lyme diseaseIt’s that time of the year when we put on our walking shoes or saddle up a horse to go exploring, enjoying the outdoors after the long, dreary European winter (and absent spring), and getting some much-needed exercise. In our enthusiasm to walk, we often forget about ticks, spiders, snakes,


Book Review: The Women

by Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp and Health Team Co-Chair


The Women by Kristin Hannah

Health The WomenBeing from South Africa, the Vietnam war is a relative unknown topic to me. Yes, I know that it occurred and that lots of innocent people (on both sides) were killed. And that it, like many other wars, was fought on ideology that was incompatible with...


Raising Awareness of the Mental Health Issues in "Push"

by Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central Scotland


health preciousThis month, the Global Issues Book Discussion book is Push by Sapphire. Although the book was suggested by the Education Team, many health issues are raised in the book, including obesity, early pregnancy, AIDS, lack of prenatal care, lack of routine hearing and vision checks, etc. One could write many articles about these issues,

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