Voting From Overseas

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House Passes the "Help America Vote Act of 2002"

House Passes the "Help America Vote Act of 2002"

10 October 2002

The House of Representatives passed the "Help America Vote Act of 2002" at 10:30 p.m. EST on Thursday, October 10 by a vote of 357 to 48.

In its unanimous agreement to the Conference report, the House put its stamp on the Conference Committee's language...

Election Reform Before the House of Representatives

Election Reform Bill Before the House of Representatives

10 October 2002

HR 3295, now called the "Help America Vote Act of 2002", has been submitted together with the Conference report (HR 107-730) to the House which was scheduled to begin to debate it at 2 a.m. EST on Thursday, October 10. The entire text (165 pages) can be...

Compromise Reached on Election Reform Legislation

Compromise Reached on Election Reform Legislation

On Friday, October 4, the joint House/Senate Conference Committee reached an agreement on the election reform legislation which, at various times, has appeared doomed to failure. The conferees have been working around the clock, 7 days a week, to resolve what were essentially "philosophical" differences in the Senate and House versions of HR...

Senate Voting Rights Bill, S. 565, Passes

April 12, 2002

BREAKING NEWS - The Senate Voting Rights Bill, S. 565, the "Martin Luther King Jr. Equal Protection of Voting Rights Act" passed overwhelmingly (99-1) in the Senate on April 11. The bill as passed included the Rockefeller Amendment (whose purpose was "To meet the needs of both military and civilian overseas voters by providing treatment more nearly...

FAWCO Reconfirms Its Stand On Election Reform

March 2002

As we move into a new election year, the obstacles to voting from overseas have taken on new and vital importance for Americans abroad. In view of the difficulties we have encountered in convincing our legislators to address overseas Americans' concerns in the election reform bill now before the Senate, and realizing that the House and Senate...

FAWCO honors the crafters of the Help America Vote Act (May 2005)


Four Fellowship Awards were presented by President Arline Coward at the 2005 FAWCO Biennial Conference in Birmingham, and given personally to the Congressmen and Senators in Washington in May, 2005. The recipients were Senators Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Congressmen Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Bob Ney (R-OH).

The March 1953 FAWCO conference in Brussels issued a...

Partnership with Overseas Vote Foundation (2007)


The Overseas Vote Foundation and the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas Establish Alliance Partnership

pdf OVF - FAWCO alliance announcement 65.24 Kb

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