
FOCUS ON SDG #4: The First International Education Day!

The Education Team is thrilled to announce...
The First International Education Day - January 24, 2019
(from the UNESCO website)
Screen Shot 2019 01 19 at 9.54.38 PMAs lead agency and coordinator of the Education 2030 Agenda, UNESCO called together a Global Education Meeting  in Brussels (December 3-5, 2018). A strong message recognizing the foundational and fundamental role of Education for peace and development was voiced. On December 3,

Welcome to the Newest Member of the Education Team!

We are pleased to welcome Lindsay Nygren as a new member of the Education Team. Lindsay has recently joined the AWC of Lyon. She is interested in her club’s connection with FAWCO and will be reporting on "Bridging the Gap" in upcoming articles.
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Equal Access: Countries Taking Action for Students with Disabilities

By Karen Boeker, AWC Denmark

Education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of discrimination and poverty that children with disabilities often face. But access to school for children with disabilities is often limited by a lack of understanding about their needs, a lack of trained teachers, classroom...


N is for Nepal

by Arandeep Degun, AIWC CologneScreen Shot 2018 11 21 at 9.34.22 AM

Tiny, mountainous and landlocked, Nepal lies between two giant countries, India and China. Nepal is known for its distinctive geography as “a land of diversity.” Few countries as small as Nepal have such incredible contrasts and complexities. The glamorous beauty of Nepal is exposed by its landscapes: dense swampy forests, lush green valleys, bleak...


The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

The Education Team Expands its Equal Access Focus

We are proud to support the Human Rights Team efforts on behalf of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. This campaign will shine light on how sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace deny women equal access to a non-threatening/safe workplace, as well as affecting opportunity. Read below to...



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by Pam Perraud, AAWE Paris/FAUSA & UN Representative

Defending the Right to Education

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from October 15 - December 18, UNESCO is running a digital campaign, #RightToEducation, highlighting the work UNESCO does related to education. UNESCO staff works to encourage states to make the right of a quality...

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