US Tax & Banking


Country Specific Info & Presentations

The issues arising from legal and estate planning have very different implications in different countries.

Do you have information or experience from your country of origin or current country of residence concerning estate, legal or inheritance planning? Share it with us by emailing .



For specifics of estate and inheritance laws in Germany start with this overview...


Medical Directives & Living Wills

Do you have a will? In which country? Do you need one in both or several?

For some examples of why you might need to consider these options start with Angloinfo's International Wills and the U.S. Expat Abroad - Don't Be Duped!


Read the Tax & Banking Disclaimer.


Basic Inheritance Law

dollar in piggy bankU.S. Estate and Gift taxes are considered "transfer" taxes and not "income" taxes and the tax is asserted against the person making the transfer. The U.S. Estate and Gift taxes apply differently to U.S. persons and non-U.S. persons, and some of the rules depend on if the non-U.S. person is considered a resident (which are not the same as traditional...


DC Advocacy

Capitol HillFAWCO, and its partners American Citizens Abroad (ACA) and Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO) advocate in Washington DC on behalf of the over 8 million Americans and green card holders living outside of the US. They attend Overseas Americans Week and maintain contact with legislators to inform them about US policies that have unfair ramifications on Americans living overseas. 



Tax Forms

The two other forms mentioned on our Tax Basics page are Form 8938 and the FBAR/FINCen Form 114 which are required for Americans and green card holders who have foreign bank accounts to file.


Form 8938 - Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets

For form 8938 see FAWCO’s 8938 Guidelines for a simple description and chart showing thresholds of foreign...


Filing Options

Working with an Tax Advisor/Preparer


It’s best to be as prepared as possible before you’re ready to fill out the forms, or go to an advisor or tax preparer if you are using an expert, to file your taxes. Here are some resource lists to get you started.

FAWCO Tax Laundry List PDF (60KB)
This is a compiled summary  of tax...


IRS Links

The following IRS pages have been put together specifically for international taxpayers (US citizens, green card holders and resident aliens living abroad):


IRS US Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad

IRS basic information for international taxpayers including definitions, Tax ID numbers, income exclusions and more


Filing and Forms

Find information about filing taxes on our Filing Options page.


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