Commission on the Status of Women
The UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), part of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), promotes gender equality and the advancement of women. Its charge is to measure progress towards equality and highlight challenges, set standards and formulate concrete policies to promote equality and women’s empowerment, and encourage mainstreaming of the gender perspective in all UN activities worldwide.
FAWCO is a member of the NGO Committees on the Status of Women (NGO CSWs) in NY, Geneva and Vienna. FAWCO members and UN Representatives regularly attend the annual CSW in New York. You can read blogs by members of FAWCO's delegations to CSW.
FAWCO signs on to Written and Oral Statements submitted to UN Women for consideration by CSW, joining our partner women's NGOs with consultative status to ECOSOC. You can read these statements on the Advocacy page.
By Karen Boeker, AWC Denmark
After Secretary General António Guterres’ words at the beginning of the Town Hall meeting during CSW66 on Wednesday, March 16, my thoughts are still spinning anxiously two days later.
Listening to his opening remarks (available in full here), all the important aspects on the Status of Women are touched upon; more is not possible in the...
By Tara Scott, AWC Central Scotland
FAWCO UN Rep Tara Scott was a delegate to COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021. Tara was deeply impressed by the many indigenous women who talked about their lives, their communities, and their work protecting the environment. She put together a presentation with beautiful artwork, photos of several indigenous women, and links to articles,
FAWCO UN Reps Erica Higbie and Pam Perraud and UN Liaison Laurie Richardson attended a virtual briefing on CSW66 by representatives of the US Mission, the White House Gender Policy Council, State Department Office of Global Women’s Affairs, and Department of Health and Human Services on March 10, 2022.
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield began her remarks acknowledging what is on all...
UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment David R. Boyd spoke at the virtual CSW66 Consultation Day organized by NGO CSW Geneva and NGO CSW Vienna. Our Consultation Day theme was based on the Human Rights Council Resolution on The Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment (HRC48/13)
David Boyd and Dunja Mijatović, Commissioner for Human...