Sex Trafficking Short Fact Sheet
Some numbers:
27 million - # of modern day slaves around the world
800,000 - # persons trafficked across international borders each year (UNIFEM estimate 500,000 - 2 million, other...
Some numbers:
27 million - # of modern day slaves around the world
800,000 - # persons trafficked across international borders each year (UNIFEM estimate 500,000 - 2 million, other...
NOW - National Organization for Women USA - has launched a campaign to help "raise awareness about women's health, body image and self-esteem," and "urges women to question beauty ideals." The campaign will culminate on October 15, 2009, the day earmarked to celebrate Love Your Body Day with actions and events.
Since 1997, NOW Foundation's Love Your Body has "given girls and...
Menopause, one of the most important transitions experienced by women during their lifetime, is one of those topics that many women, even today, seem to know very little about. In order to "offer a positive, useful and comprehensive resource to women everywhere," John Rowlinson, the founder of PtS in Great Britain, has established The site was created...
January 30, 2009 — The current recommendation is that women with BRCAmutations, who are thus at high risk for breast cancer, start receiving annual screening mammography as early as age 25.
However, a new risk-analysis study published online January 27 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests that screening should probably not start until age 35.
The study estimates that, for BRCA-mutation...
Jane Gross, author of The New York Times blog The New Old Age, Caring and Coping, has tackled the testy subject of what to call those of us who are over 50 but who certainly do not consider ourselves "elderly" and resent being referred to as such. It seems that the topic is not a new one, and Ms. Gross...
Jane Gross, a journalist with The New York Times, writes a blog under the heading The New Old Age, Caring and Coping ( ). Based on her and her brother's experience in caring for their elderly mother between 2002 and 2003, Ms. Gross asks and tries to provide answers to questions that few of us are prepared for when our...