Voting during COVID-19: updates on primaries and advice

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Voting is a fundamental constitutional right of all US citizens everywhere, and both the US Vote Foundation or the Federal Voter Assistance Program (FVAP) are providing updates and advice on how to register and vote during the pandemic.

Upcoming primaries

States are still changing the dates of primaries: click here for the Foundation's current list, organized alphabetically by state.

Updated advice

In view of disruptions in mail receipt and delivery, FVAP recommends that overseas voters:

  • consider asking that ballots be sent to them electronically – all jurisdictions permit this; and
  • consider alternatives for submitting their state ballots.

Most states allow voters to submit ballots online, but some do not – check the rules for your state in FVAP’s Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) and the US Vote Foundation website. If you have already registered to vote, and did not request email/online ballot delivery, do it again: go to the Foundation or FVAP and submit a new form with this request

See the US Postal Service website for the latest alerts on international mail service. Information on specific countries is posted according to the date of the message, not in alphabetical order of countries.

The US Vote Foundation give updates in the blog at the bottom of its homepage; scroll down for the latest. It calls on voters to do the following.

  • Write to your congressperson/s to express your opinion on absentee vote-by-mail ballot access and ask for their immediate support to pass the requisite legislation with full funding.
  • Complete and send in your ballot request for the General Election as early as possible. No last minute anything. Our Local Election Officials are the dedicated public servants that do the hard work of running our elections. We must inform them early and spare them the extra work and stress of last-minute ballot requests. US Vote offers every state-specific ballot request – complete the form online, download, print, sign and mail it into your election office now.
  • Offer help to your neighbors, your friends, your community to request their absentee vote-by-mail ballot. Tell them about US Vote Foundation and encourage them to act early.
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