Super Tuesday in March 2020 – will you take part?

The process of choosing state and national candidates to stand for election in November 2020 (actually October 2020 for most overseas voters) goes into full gear in March. If you have registered to vote in 2020 (and, in most states, declared a party affiliation), you will take part in this process. If you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for? Register today through FAWCO’s partner the US Vote Foundation.

Super Tuesday

According to Ballotopedia:

Super Tuesday refers to the Tuesday in a presidential election year when the largest number of states and territories hold a presidential preference primary or caucus. In 2020, Super Tuesday will be held on March 3.

Fifteen jurisdictions are holding a primary event on Super Tuesday in 2020: Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

The Democrats Abroad primary also begins on March 3 and concludes on March 10.

With both California and Texas – the two most populous states in the United States – holding their primaries on Super Tuesday, approximately 40% of the U.S. population has a primary event on March 3.

In most states, registering to vote, plus declaring affiliation with a political party, allows you to vote in both the primary and the general election. (As usual with the US, there are exceptions: some states have open primaries, for example.)

Registering for the Democrats Abroad primary, however, does not register you to vote in the general election. That is a separate process that you must also complete in order to vote in the general election. Again, you can do the latter through FAWCO’s partner, the US Vote Foundation, but also through other nonpartisan websites, such as that of the Federal Voter Assistance Program (FVAP).

If you don’t vote from one of the jurisdictions taking part in Super Tuesday 2020, or you just want to find out more about the primary process, see FVAP’s list of all primaries. Whether or not you vote in a primary, register to vote without delay!

Other ways you can help overseas Americans vote

Just as with an oxygen mask on a plane (“Secure your own mask before assisting others.”), once you are registered, look around for other Americans to assist in the process: family members, friends, social circle, and organizations and groups in your community. Share information with them, urge them to register and point them to resources to help.

Your FAWCO club can also do much in this area, and FAWCO itself is already at work. See the US Voting section of the FAWCO website to get started, find resources and see what FAWCO is doing. To join FAWCO’s efforts, ask questions or propose ideas by email to the FAWCO US Voting Committee ().

The 2020 election may be the most important of our lifetime, and overseas voters have an excellent chance to help decide the results. Seize your chance to make this happen!

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