
New Resource: Tax Preparer Directory

FAWCO's partner organization ACA, Inc. (Americans Citizens Abroad) has launched the first-ever online Directory of tax return preparers and others servicing Americans overseas.  After an initial listing of 106 Preparers, the total number stands today at nearly 1800.  This innovative new Directory serves Americans overseas and others needing specialized US tax and similar advice.

The Directory is easily found at http://www.acareturnpreparerdirectory.com, where is it is available to users/taxpayers looking for help and to preparers and businesses that work with preparers.

This year tax filing deadlines fall amid increased IRS and Department of Justice enforcement activities, implementation of FATCA by foreign financial institutions around the world and widespread confusion in the wake of the Loving case, invalidating the IRS’s regulation of tax return preparers.

For the 2015 filing season, the IRS has announced that it is instituting its new voluntary training and certification program for enrolled preparers (IRS News Release 2014-75).  The IRS will open to the public a database listing preparers who have completed the program.  These names will also be accessible through the ACA Directory.

ACA notes, "We know that many taxpayers are desperately looking for help, because we receive calls and e-mails every day. For years, Americans overseas thought little about taxes and many simply did not know about all of the tax reporting and FBAR filing requirements. That has changed! Americans abroad need a comprehensive, reliable source for finding return preparers and similar professional advisors." The ACA Directory fills this void. The Directory is free-of-charge for all users, whether or not they are ACA members.

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