Commission on the Status of Women


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    The UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), part of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), promotes gender equality and the advancement of women. Its charge is to measure progress towards equality and highlight challenges, set standards and formulate concrete policies to promote equality and women’s empowerment, and encourage mainstreaming of the gender perspective in all UN activities worldwide.

    FAWCO is a member of the NGO Committees on the Status of Women (NGO CSWs) in NY, Geneva and Vienna. FAWCO members and UN Representatives regularly attend the annual CSW in New York. You can read blogs by members of FAWCO's delegations to CSW. 

    FAWCO signs on to Written and Oral Statements submitted to UN Women for consideration by CSW, joining our partner women's NGOs with consultative status to ECOSOC. You can read these statements on the Advocacy page. 


    Key Links
    UN CSW
    NGO CSW New York
    NGO CSW Geneva
    NGO CSW Vienna

    By Karen Boeker, AWC Denmark

    The session started when Ms Shiori Ito told her story about being raped in the most humble and trustworthy way. In the beginning and again in the end she emphasized that the main reason to go public was her sister. She realized that her own experience would have been worse for her younger and very shy sister.

    Laurie Brooks attended a session on Ending Violence against Women: opportunities of ICT. It was the coolest session she attended so far. The goal of the session was to raise awareness raising, however, she would like to have seen more emphasis on solutions and actions. She learned that women can be attacked virtually, in online violence, with devastating effects on their...

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    I often tell people that one of the UN Reps Team’s priorities is increasing and improving collaboration with our sister women’s organizations in the UN NGO community. Developing relationships with other NGOs increases FAWCO’s visibility in the NGO community, and opens up opportunities for joint advocacy and action. This sounds very good, but what does it really mean?  


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