
UN Secretary-General's Townhall Meeting with Civil Society

On March 16, 2021, at a virtual Townhall Meeting for civil society as part of CSW65, UN Secretary-General Guterres said that women must be “front and centre” of the pandemic recovery as a matter of economics, efficiency, effectiveness and social resilience. “Male-dominated teams will come up with male-dominated solutions... We cannot go back to the failed man-made policies that have resulted in the fragility we see around us – in healthcare systems, in social protection, in access to justice, and in the wellbeing of our planet”.

Guterres described COVID's social and economic impact son women, especially on the most vulnerable, marginalized and poorest. He addressed gender-based violence in the home and online. He pointed out the effects of school closures and elder care in perpetuating inequalities, as well as the loss of access to sexual and reproductive health services.

There is a huge gender gap in the task forces and panels that are supposed to be planning post-COVID recovery measures. The world should not go back to the previous “normal”, which was often discriminatory, unjust and unsustainable. Instead, we should move towards a “safer, fairer, more inclusive and equal world”.

The UN chief stressed that “gender equality is a question of power”, and “women’s full representation and leadership are a prerequisite” in moving forward. “We need a more inclusive, networked multilateralism that recognizes the strength that comes through diversity. We cannot talk about inclusive multilateralism without including half the world’s population”.

Secretary-General Guterres called for repealing discriminatory laws and taking steps to ensure women’s equal representation; advancing economic inclusion with equal pay; addressing violence against women through increased funding, more effective policies and political will; and supporting young women leaders.

UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka echoed the UN chief saying that COVID-19 “cannot be solved by men alone without the insights of women.”

The under-representation of women and girls on local councils, political parties and trade unions mean they face barriers to access and exercise their rights. Full and inclusive participation in public life is essential for ensuring that the interests of all people are represented.

In an effort to “reignite” the Decade of Action for the SDGs and move to more equal, just, inclusive, sustainable societies and economies, the Secretary-General advocated for “transformative actions” to increase women’s representation, participation and leadership.

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