Education Task Force

The goal of the FAWCO Education Task Force is to provide resources for parents and students living overeseas: 

To learn more about Americana, a program dedicated to giving children growing up overseas a taste of American history, culture and traditions, click here.

For guidelines and information on the new Common Application for US college admissions, and to review the AAWE's  US College and University Admissions Guide, click here for College Guidance.


The Education Task Force is pleased to announce that Sue van Alsenoy, AWC Antwerp, has finished a complete revision and updating of her ongoing project, now titled Students Who Learn Differently Overseas Click here to viewthe entire text.

There remain various other educational issues of interest to members such as Bilingualism and Third Culture Kids.  If these, or any other, topics are of interest to you, and you would like to share your experiences and research, please contact the Education Task Force at 

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