
15 July: UN World Youth Skills Day

by Jody McBrien, AWG Paris and Human Rights Team Co-Chair


World Youth Skills Day 2023 06The UN General Assembly proclaimed July 15 to be World Youth Skills Day in 2014. Its objective is to “celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship.” Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Youth Skills Day has concentrated on recovery efforts that are also connected to climate change, ongoing issues of poverty and inequality, and the rapidly changing technological scene.

This event recognizes continued challenges and exclusion in several demographics, such as young women and girls, disabled youth, and refugees and asylum seekers. The UN and its agencies seek to address these challenges by increasing access to scholarships, skills training and employment, and by ensuring recognition of skills.

The 2023 theme is “Skilling teachers, trainers, and youth for a transformative future.” You can join a hybrid event sponsored by UNESCO that will showcase the positive effects of youth skills development on societies and economies from 10-12:30 (CEST) by registering here.

Did You Know?

  • To meet youth employment needs, an estimated 600 million jobs must be created over the next 15 years!
  • 30% of young women and 15% of young men are not in employment, eduction, or training (NEET).
  • COVID-19 interrupted training for 86% of apprentices and 83% of interns/trainees.


Reference: World Youth Skills Day | United Nations


Photo credit: Canva


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