Bridge the Human Rights Gap for Women on International Women's Day - March 8, 2014
Again this year, the Human Rights Team invites FAWCO clubs to observe International Women's Day by meeting at a bridge in your community as a symbol of support for women's human rights.
This campaign began in 2010 in neighboring countries Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which have...
In this special online issue of the newspaper The Guardian, you can learn about the latest issues and trends around the world, and see a video of the Director of UN Women speaking about her priorities.
Get informed and get involved.
All around the world, women and men, girls and boys will be joining together on February 14 to RISE against violence against women. You can be a part of it. Go to and look for an event in your community. A truly inspriing film about One Billion Rising 2013 shows you what rising and dancing looks like, how wonderful and...
Clubs in Motion!
Join Clubs in Motion and get moving with FAWCO. If your Club has a walking, hiking or running group, this is for YOU!
Let's get moving! Join FAWCO Clubs in Motion today! Happy and healthy!
A picture of some of some FAWCO's leaders caught in the act - out WALKING while attending the Geneva NGO Forum Beijing+20! From left to right...