
Book Review: Pipe Dreams by Chelsea Wald

by Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central Scotland


Pipe Dreams coverIn Pipe Dreams: The Urgent Global Quest to Transform the Toilet, author Chelsea Wald (a member of AWC The Hague) gives us an entertaining and well-researched exploration of sanitation, pee and poop. She is passionate about her subject, and it shows in her book. She takes us through history, from at least the Romans to all the current innovations in toilets and sanitation. Once you get past the yuck factor, her presentation is fascinating and comprehensive. I was impressed with all the research and testing of new types of toilets and sanitation methods. While the situation worldwide can be depressing, with less than half of the world’s population able to access toilets and sanitation systems that properly and safely manage everything that goes into them, Chelsea’s books offers plenty of tantilizing new ideas and actions for us to take in our individual lives. Pipe Dreams connects to all four of FAWCO’s Global Issues, from the Environment to Human Rights to Health. The book briefly discusses the realtionship of sanitation to education, telling us that one-third of all children lack basic sanitiaiton at their schools. For girls especially, lack of clean and private toileting facilities can mean missed school days and thus lower education outcomes. 

Look for a feature on Pipe Dreams in the next Inspiring Women magazine.



Audio book cover image by Hollie Nielsen

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