
Spring Into Literacy!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!" 

- from I Can Read With My Eyes Shut by Dr. SeussScreen Shot 2019 05 25 at 11.38.12 AM(source: http://clipart-library.com/free-dr.-seuss-clipart.html)


Hello Friends!

As June quickly approaches, final exams are being taken, students are graduating and teachers all over the world are already planning for next year. What do all of these actions have in common? Literacy! And so begins our focus on SDG 4.6, which states, "By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial portion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy." Your Education Team hopes to do its part in reaching this lofty goal by highlighting global and FAWCO literacy events and initiatives for the next several months. 

As a start, for the children in your life, we encourage you to check out the UN Sustainable Development Book Club. Started in April and running for 17 months, this global book club highlights one SDG a month in a kid-friendly format. Check it out to see how you can be a part of it!                                 

Closer to "home," next month we will be announcing the Education Team's Third Annual Summer Global Book Read! Here's a teaser:  

"The power of education is a basic tenet of my professional life, best summarized in a quote that goes roughly like this: 'If we solve all the problems of the world but fail to solve the problems of education, ourchildren will destroy what we bequeath them. But, if we solve only the problems of education, our children will solve the problems of the world.' I think it was Thomas Jefferson who first uttered this idea, but I'm  not sure. Whatever the case, I believe in that statement." (Source to be named next month!)

 In other literacy-related news:

1. Are you interested in how mothers in the Republic of Benin are tackling literacy challenges by fighting for girls' education? Read how "mothers’ associations create new opportunities for women to become more involved in education and for girls to be supported and retained in school."      

2. Do you or your kids love Legos? Check out THIS VIDEO to watch what the company is doing to help blind children access reading!                  

In more general SDG 4 news, Arandeep continues her powerful series highlighting countries' educational victories and challenges with her new article R is for Russia. Their 12 Steps are ambitious and noteworthy.

Wondering who the movers and shakers were at the SDG Global Festival of Action in May (besides Arandeep and FAWCO UN Rep Stacey Kimmig, of course!)? The answer: EVERYONE! Screen Shot 2019 01 19 at 7.34.00 PMGabriela Cuevas Barron, a congresswoman from Mexico, stated, "We are agents of change, and if we don't believe that, nothing is going to happen in our lives." Read the summaries and see the SDG Action Award winners who "are advancing the sustainable development movement in the most transformative, impactful and innovative way."

Have you ever wondered how equal the world’s education systems actually are and where your country ranks? You might be surprised to learn which country has the most equitable education system.Screen Shot 2019 05 25 at 3.57.12 PM

According to the world’s best teacher, literacy ISN'T the key to student success! Read the passionate argument that Andria Zafirahou, the 2018 winner of the Global Teacher Prize, made to the World Economic Forum. 

This month's features are a testament to Dr. Seuss's thought that the more you read the more you'll know! As always, we encourage you to read on!

Arandeep Degun (AIWC Cologne) & Carol-Lyn McKelvey (AIWC Cologne & FAUSA), Education Team Co-Chairs                                                                                                                                                                                                                  




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