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    Celebration by Barcelona Women's Network

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    Barcelona’s Women’s Network: 10th Anniversary


    Submitted by Arline Coward- FAWCO Rep


    This year marks the 10th anniversary of BWN and it has been celebrated in style! 150 members and guests attended an evening party at “El Principal” in Barcelona. A drawing was held and first prize, donated by American Airlines, was two return tickets from Barcelona to New York.

    To mark the important milestone the club also published: “Barcelona Women’s Notebook: Ten years of friendship in an extraordinary city 1998-2008” which is full of memories, stories and photographs contributed by BWN members. The book is a tribute to a club which was started by a small group of friends and has now grown to more than 200 members.


    bwn0231.jpgFrom left to right: Anuradha Ghemawat- 1st VP,Florita Humphries- Treasurer, Nancy Laidlaw- 2nd VP & Co-FAWCO Rep, Sarah Barclay- President, Elena Balaquer- Secretary

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