Global Issues News


The Health Team provides information on women's health and aging to allow you to make informed health decisions. We will take a holistic approach to help us safeguard and nurture our bodies, as well as enrich our minds and spirits. There will be articles and reports, suggested books, and FAWCO member contributions. We will also include practical information and resources, such as caring for loved ones from a distance, for ourselves and family members. 

In 2014, we re-launched Clubs in Motion, with the goal to walk or run around the globe before the March 2015 Conference. That's 40,000 kms, so we better get moving! To learn more, sign up your club's walking or running group, and check how far we've come, go to Clubs in Motion

We have gathered information from FAWCO Clubs about their Heart Pillow Projects to help women who have had breast cancer surgery. If you have Heart Pillow news to share, please send it to us at

We are currently looking for a Health Issues Team Chair. Please contact  if you are interested in the position.





Marcy Dwyer Cancer Information Site

Marcy Dwyer was a member of the AWC of Zurich and editor of the FAWCO Forum. She died in 2003 after a long battle with Ovarian Cancer. This site grew out of her suggestion that FAWCO provide a site to support members of FAWCO Clubs whose lives have been touched by Cancer.

The objective of the Marcy Dwyer Memorial Cancer...


Smoking and Lung Cancer

Cigarette smoke is the leading cause of preventable death in America today, resulting in approximately 450,000 premature deaths annually. A smoker's lung cancer risk is between 10 and 20 times higher than that of a nonsmoker, depending on how many cigarettes are smoked, and how long the person has smoked.

Approximately 160,000 cases of lung cancer are diagnosed annually...


Smoking and Women

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death among women. In the United States alone, an estimated 178,000 women die each year due to tobacco use. In addition, the diseases of smoking are a major health risk for women. Each year more women die of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than men; since 1986, lung cancer has caused more deaths among...

What Women Should Know About Cardiovascular Disease

During 2003, an estimated 1.1 million Americans will have a first or recurrent heart attack, and approximately 700,000 will die of heart disease. Recognizing and responding promptly to heart attack symptoms and receiving prompt, appropriate care is vital to saving lives and to preventing permanent damage to the cardiovascular system.

FDA NEWS: FDA Clears New Lab Test to Help...


Myths About Women and Heart Disease

A majority of women aren't aware that Cardiovascular Disease is the number one cause of mortality in women. The subject of heart disease is enmeshed in a series of myths that the American Heart Association wants women to know about.

Coronary heart disease is a man's disease.
Coronary heart disease is an epidemic in women as well as in men.


Prevention of Heart Disease Begins With Our Children

Unhealthy diets, smoking and physical inactivity are the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases. These unhealthy lifestyles are more and more frequently acquired at an early age.

According to the World Heart Federation (WHF) overweight children are three to five times more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke before they reach 65 than slimmer youngsters. The Federation issued this...


Clubs in Motion!

Join Clubs in Motion and get moving with FAWCO. If your club has a walking, hiking or running group, this is for YOU! You can dowload a flyer to publicize the program to your club members by opening Clubs_In_Motion.doc.  

Let's get moving! Join FAWCO Clubs in Motion today! Happy and healthy! 

Our FAWCO Leadership was caught in the act - out WALKING while attending the Geneva NGO Forum Beijing+20!!  From left to right on the rock...  Kathleen Simon (Counselor & AWC Bern), Maggie Palu (AWG-LR - thanks to Maggie for the photos), My-Linh Kunst (President & AWC Berlin), Monica Jubayli (1st VP & AWC Lebanon), Suzanne Wheeler (Foundation Board Member & AAWE Paris), and Sallie Chaballier (2nd VP & AAWE Paris). Well done ladies! 


Clubs in Motion is a FAWCO initiative to encourage members to stay physically fit.
Keep your club members healthy and increase FAWCO awareness. Start sending a record of all those kilometers or miles your clubs' walkers and runners have walked or run NOW!

Who can send in kilometers/miles?
FAWCO Club activities can include walking groups, participating in walks/runs in your area, organizing a walk with your club members ,etc. In order for the kilometers / miles to count, three or more members must be exercising together.  We are not gathering data from individuals walking on their own, because this is about both the physical benefits and the mental benefits of getting active together!  
How will the kilometers/miles be tallied?
Send kilometers from club activities with club name to and the number of participants. Please include the name and location of any organized walks/runs - for example: breast cancer awareness, club walking group, marathons, etc. and any special locations. Send photos!

You'll find updates on the FAWCO Clubs In Motion page under the Health Team site, so you can check the progress of the various clubs.

Why should clubs get involved?
Exercise benefits your health. Did you know that for every hour of regular, vigorous exercise you do, like brisk walking, you can live two hours longer? And we all know that it's more FUN to exercise with friends. Clubs in Motion will be a fun way to get your members active and interested in FAWCO, and introduce them to FAWCO's website.

Top 10 reasons to Get in Motion with Clubs in Motion:

  • Prevent Type 2 diabetes
  • Reduce risk of heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of osteoporosis: strengthen bones/maintain bone density
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Help lower cholesterol
  • Help you maintain a healthy body weight
  • Reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer
  • Good for your brain: cognitive functions improve with regular exercise
  • Enhance well-being and reduce stress
  • Improve fitness

When do we start?

NOW! Let’s ‘move it’ together -- with FAWCO!







hamburg heart pillows

Many FAWCO member clubs are involved in making heart pillows to donate to help the recovery of women who have had breast cancer surgery. AWC The Hague has a Heart Pillow Best Practice with instructions for how you can start your own heart pillow project that you can access in our members-only Best Practices section (you must be registered and log in to see these). We also have Heart Pillows featured in these articles: Heart Pillow Project and Stitched with Love.  

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